Vicenza Cycle Chic

I’ve returned from few days in Vicenza (Italy), where we enjoyed some warm weather, fine dining and great walking/exploring times especially as one of my friend had not been to Italy before (!)

I just loved being back in a city where cycling is a joie de vivre and is natural to every age group, men and women. I miss that here in the UK terribly.

In Vicenza we don’t have cycle lanes as such, but as the majority of the citizens cycle as well as drive there is a mutal respect which goes a long way.

Perhaps we are more seasonal cyclists, as one day that it poured down with rain I saw hardly anyone around on a bike, but when we are we definitely know how to enjoy it.

It certainly made me miss being on my Pashley! So much so that on my next visit, I will ask my lovely neighbour Giuliana to help me and mum find a pair of good old vintage bikes to keep for whenever we may pop home for a short or long stay.

Anyhow I am determined to bring this cycling naturalness in my every day commute and errands, respecting others, hoping they will respect me (on the road) despite the near miss I had just before I left for my jollies last week (eekk!).

5 responses to “Vicenza Cycle Chic

    • I highly recommend a visit around those parts Dottie 😉 I think you’d like it very much! I think this time round I enjoyed and appreciated more the cycling air of Vicenza because of how much I have started to enjoy cycling myself 😉

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