We are back! Sharing our cycling adventures

After a long hiatus I am back writing but this time together with my daughter! We want to share our experiences with our beloved bikes

It’s good to dust off this blog of mine. I have wonderful memories of writing my experience of cycling from those early days of car-free living, through capturing my experience of cycling while pregnant – which I loved – until our daughter was born in 2014.

Fast forward few years and we have continued to loving living car-free and getting out and about with our bikes, as well as walking everywhere and using public transport. As our daughter, who she will be known here as L, becomes more interested in interacting with online communities in a safe and rewarding way, this offers us a fantastic opportunity to pick up this blog again but this time as a collaborative project with her to record and share our experiences of family cycling (and active travel in general). So without further ado, I am handing over to L to introduce herself and what she is looking forward to the most in this collaboration! We look forward to interacting with comments and to find out about your experiences of family cycling and family adventures. Keep it nice and supportive, anything that won’t meet our standards of respect and kindness will be deleted and blocked.

Love, Lorenza x

Hello world! I am L.

Hi I am L and I am really excited to be sharing the blog with my mum. Before anything I would like to say a thing or two about me and my family.

Me and my family don’t own a car so that’s why we use our beloved bikes. We also use public transport like buses, trains, bikes things like that . These are a big part of our lives because we use our bikes nearly every day. Me and my mum have this blog to show people that we use bikes and we enjoy it a lot. Sometimes in the morning when we find it hard to get out of bed, we start cycling and it makes us feel much better. When I was born my parents would take me out every day, that’s how my love of nature started. I started off with a tiny bike with no pedals, then I had my first bike with pedals when I was about 3 and 1/2 years old and from then I have been moving up sizes quite quickly because as children we always grow up fast. I really hope you enjoy reading about are journeys through our local bike rides.

love L🍄

6 responses to “We are back! Sharing our cycling adventures

    • Shawn!! How brilliant to hear from you. I still have the zine you sent me all those years ago and regularly read it for inspiration. This year may just be the year I start to really do cycle touring although in miniature format so to turn it into mini adventures with L! I need to check all the old links on this blog and I will absolutely make sure to link yours to your new one.

  1. Pingback: On blogs I used to follow, revisited (with some good news) – Urban Adventure League·

  2. Wow this is lovely to see, memories of you getting around on your Pashley 🙂

    Welcome back Lorenza & good for you L following in Mums footsteps, will look forward to reading of your adventures!

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