A cycling moment in Copenhagen

I have just returned from a fantastic visit to Copenhagen, where I’ve had the opportunity to really look and understand the city urban design as well as cycling infrastructure.

I will probably do a mini series of posts on what I have seen and learnt. To start with I’d like to share a short video of a cycling moment in Copenhagen. Nothing fancy, just sitting on a bench on a regular intersection, watching cyclists, drivers and pedestrians seemingly interact, thanks to properly planned infrastructure.

I was also pleasantly surprised to see a variety of cyclists: with and without helmets, in chic clothing, in casual clothing and even in sporty clothing. Nice!

[vimeo vimeo.com/38554974]

7 responses to “A cycling moment in Copenhagen

  1. Wow that’s timely LC – I have just fired up the PC to send you an email about…well, about cycling & urban design…and whadya know…you’ve done a blog post about the very subject :>D

    Firstly, hope you had a nice trip! Nice video too & am looking forward to hearing more.

    Secondly, I’ve just got home from having a coffee with a friend who is doing the Going Dutch presentation next month for Greater Manc’ Cycling Campaign.

    Long story short, it is about a series of new housing developments in the Netherlands – inc’ quite a chunk of how they go about making them happen. The bicycle is a part of it obviously, but considering your career I reckon you will find the rest of it interesting, along with the debate that will follow.

    • Hey Ian! Good to hear from you 🙂 I’ve already booked my place! Hope to see you there.

      PS – will you and family be coming to Chorlton Green Festival on Saturday the 31st? I am going to post about it soon and what we are up to!

  2. Oooh lucky you! I visited Copenhagen a few years ago, before I’d started cycling around Manchester. I wanted to hire a bike and join in with the Danish cyclists, but it looked too intimidating for a beginner! Some of the morning commuters looked more like road racers. I suppose that’s similar to here but you don’t see a peloton on the way into town.

    • Spot on Jacky! I found that too, but in a way I was relieved as I thought everything, cycling wise, was perfect in CPH. It’s one aspect I’d like to touch upon when I manage to write some posts about my trip (eeekk!)

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