Summer… we hope


After possibly 4 weeks of rain, rain, rain (ok we did see some sunshine once and a while) we woke up to a glOrious day.

After much debate about my pasty skin I decided that what-the-heck-it’s-sunny-I’ll-wear-a-dress!

I arrived at my meeting fresh as a rose, happy as larry and with minor encounters of idiotic drivers. Success.

I had a couple of unpleasant encounters on my way home, but nothing that an al-fresco dining couldn’t sort out, plus I seriously do need to keep my cool… I don’t think I am a pretty sight, an irated italian lady on a pretty lady-like Pashley, what an odd combo eh?!

*I am not serious, I promise, I was resisting squinting from the sun, which had a funny effect on my face, obviously.

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